
Why Do Motorcycle Riders Wear Chaps?

We get asked this question a lot, so I'm going to answer it here in hopes it helps others who have the same question.
The number one reason that motorcycle riders wear chaps is because doing so protects the riders legs. Have you ever seen what road rash looks like? Well, it's not a pretty picture and it's a horribly painful experience but since you wanted to know, here is a picture of what you may be able to avoid by wearing a good pair of leather chaps over your thick pair of jeans. So, spare yourself this type of heartache and invest in a good pair of leather motorcycle chaps.
Why Do Motorcycle Riders Wear Chaps?
This is not even a worst case of road rash but gives you an idea, it hurts really bad and takes a long time to heal and you may be left with really bad scars as well.
So, that is one of the reasons, the most important reason why motorcycle riders wear leather chaps. Other reasons include protection from flying debris and keeps your legs warm. Ok and some people like them because it looks cool and that's a reason too but of course the most important reason is to save your skin.
Below are a couple of the leather chaps we offer and in varying price ranges. Buy the most expensive ones you can afford, but even the cheap ones will be so much better than not wearing any chaps at all.



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