
What Is A Novelty Helmet?

A novelty helmet is a helmet that is not D.O.T. (Department Of Transportation) approved for safety. These helmets have no cushioning or anything that will protect your head in the case of a motorcycle accident. Some people prefer them to a DOT approved helmet because it's lighter weight, it's thinner and does not make someone feel as though they have a mushroom head. As adults we must make our own decisions as to what kind of safety equipment we choose to wear or not to wear. We offer these novelty helmets because customers demand them. Do your own research and make your own decisions if you are of legal age.

We have a wide variety of novelty helmets such as boneyard helmets, chrome helmets, gloss black, flat black, helmets with spikes, helmets with graphics like the American flag or with skulls, etc. 

We also have various styles like german, shorty, easy rider, gladiator, eagle style and more.

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